I remember this guy for sure from the start of the T500 this year at Daytona. Infact Jake started a thread about him, wondering who he was. Sounds like he lead an amazing life.
Jake's post seems to be a worthy tribute at the moment...
With about 25 minutes to go until the start sequence at the start of the Daytona - Fernandina leg of the Tybee 500 last week, I saw an elderly man making his way past the catamarans in the narrow beach with a three wheeled walker. Normally, I wouldn't have given him too much consideration as I was deep into my preparations for the leg. However, this guy attracted my attention because he was walking with purpose and grinning from ear to ear as he was putting forth a pretty serious effort to navigate the sand, boats, and other obstacles. He was obviously not an average beach spectator. He approached me and immediately knocked me off-center when he said "I expect you guys will have a good day today - I've heard about your light air ability". Perplexed, I said "thank you very much - I hope we do". He then added "Oh, and by the way, please don't forget a paddle today" after which he turned and made his way down the beach. Because we had suffered through a painful beach launch the day before where we HAD forgotten a paddle, I too was then grinning ear to ear as I watched him work his way down the row of boats...It TOTALLY made my day.
After making some inquiries, I discovered he was someone of whom I had heard of - though I admit I don't know much about him. His name is Goulden Reid (I'm really guessing at the spelling) and has been a catsailor about as long as there have been fiberglass cats. I'm sure there are plenty of stories out there about him - I would like to hear them if you care to share.
Jake Kohl
Team Seacats