Here in europe our class benefits from a steady grow.
Only here in switzerland and germany we can welcome 20 new teams this year. there are several manufactores - bimare, ventilo, steahlth and eagle. All of them have no more boats left in the yard and are outsold, since month's...
Ventilo and Eagle have created for 2005 new "wavepiercing" designs.
the racing scene in the europeean F18HT circuit is very nice. It's like a big family, new members receive a warm welcome. On the water we sail very ambitious, without loosing the respect of our fellow competitor's!
For the year 2005 we have created a HT18 Trophy with races in switzerland, germany and of course in italy!
Our boats are light, fast and reliable! the A-Cat for two persons. They feature a true A-Cat Style - Carbon-Mast and are easy to trailor, without disasembling.
All opinions are of course biased!
Check the US-18HT Site Forum: our brand new Swiss-18HT Site, in german, french and of course in english!
http://www.18ht.chSwiss/German 18HT Forum or alive? ALIVE