I love the boat, however, I still have a lot to learn. I am no where near sailing to the number. On the 18 Square and the F17, I could win regattas (my club) on corrected time. In the same club, I am not winning yet. The 18 Square was the easiest to learn. The F17 has a longer learning curve, single-handing a spinnaker boat. With A-Class, the adjustments (rotation, downhaul, outhaul) are so sensitive that you need to get it pretty close to get the potential out of the boat. Most significant is that going downwind is really difficult to get right. When I have it "heated up", I don't have a very good VMG, which also seems to be true if I am going deep. I have read lots more since last year and am anxious to see if I can do better this year.

This is a long answer to a short question, but the answer is "yes, the A2 is working out best." I really love the boat, even if I am doing poorly on it.

Les Gallagher