
fun reading your story and about your plans. I also think T-foil rudders soon will be "standard" on F-16s, without having tried them myself (going out on a limb with that statement, will be fun to see).

But, if you want your boat to be F-16 compliant, how can you fit a roller furling spi/reacher on it? The halfwidth of the sail must be 75% or more of the foot, and I dont think your sailmaker will be able to make such a sail for rollerfurling unless you get a rollgen or similar? Most rollerfurling sails with the luff attached to the furler will need a hollow leech to furl properly. They also need to be fairly flat. At least this is the impression and experience I have.

Pictures of your rudders will be very welcome, the same for reports on how the boat handles after the modifications.