You are surfing down the mother of all waves with your beachcat, going dead downwind without spi, and you are about to hit the bottom. It's blowing a lot, 10-18m/s. You know you are likely to stuff the bows and pitchpole as you accelerate down the wave and hit the bottom.
What do you do? Go dead downwind and hope there is enough bouyancy in the bows, or head up to a reach and try riding it out?

Been there, done that with the spinnaker up; pitchpoled viciously...couldn't reach up at all due to the spin

Since then, I've learned there are times not to pull the spin and just surf the boat diagonally to stay on the face of the wave and avoid bashing into the back of the next wave. Trim sails to get the right speed to stay with one wave. It works well and can be fun in between the moments of terror.

Eric Poulsen
A-class USA 203
Ultimate 20
Central California