We will eventually have an FXone nationals. That I have no doubt, a boat as cool as this will catch on, and when it does I think it will do so fairly quickly. I think that it has been lying dormant for so long just because nobody wants to be first. Even in my division there are at least two people that will be making an FXone their next boat. No more crew issues, its faster than a H20, (I'm told it'll beat out a Tiger), you can run wings and be class legal. It also holds two people very well. Throw jib and the 2nd trap on it and you're set for running two up.

Another issue with this boat is that at the moment there isn't a large number of used boats available. It's tough to justify buying a brand new boat when there isn't anyone to race with, but once a few people start picking them up and more and more used boats become available this will become a thing of the past.