those extra blocks just forward of the daggers were the previous owners jib blocks

he wanted the extra tramp space and when he got the boat the original harken fiddle blocks had been lost

i've fitted a couple of over sized ronstan fiddle blocks that look they were for the mainsheet on a laser or something else small

eric e

jim it looks like your old 5.2 and your 5.5 had the same serial number

how do the 2 boats compare?

Those blocks on the deck seem way forward, they should have been near the middle of the tramp I think, like where you have them now. But on the other hand, I´ve seen some 5.2 or 5.0 with the jib blocks on the front beam, also the barberhauler system that Airbone implemented (for those who saw that post) confused me, it seems to have a similar effect on the jib sheet angle. Maybe the forward/aft position of the block is not that significant?

Something you will notice when you get fully out on the trapeze (if you haven´t already), is that the fiddle block cleat angle (the angle at which the sheet gets out of the block towards your hand) becomes more critical, if it´s off, it will be hard to cleat/uncleat, because your movements are more restricted, also you are farther away. And if you are there, the wind is probably strong too. I noticed that when I attached the blocks to a line on the tramp instead of the padeyes on the deck. (I ran the line from side to side, not from beam to beam like in your case)