I posted this in the F14 forum, inside a longer text, but it certainly belongs here.

I have doubts regarding the name "F12".

The Optimist could have failed if it was named "Pessimist", "Storm" or "Rocket". Those names tend to scare parents, who ultimately decide what entry boat their siblings will sail.

At least for me, "Formula" is associated primarily with Formula 1 car races, high speed, high technology - and very famous accidents. It is cool for the upgrade boat (F14, F16, etc.), but I'd rather use a name that inspires only positive thoughts and confidence.

"KidCat" wouldn't be bad: it's short, easy to say, meaningful and evocates the close relationship between a kid and its pet (= home). KidCat delivers the message that it is a cat designed and intended for kids. This line of thought runs paralel to a kid's toy, implying fun, safety and simplicity. The name says it all. Just my opinion, of course.
