
It very much depends on the relative positions as to whether or not you could have done anything. And anything that you do to ensure winning must be done before you tack.

If you were genuinly level, i.e 3 boat lengths back and 3 to windward thenn the race is yours to win.

The main thing to remember is that the first to tack on the layline will win, if you duck him or cross him and he makes the line in one tack he wins.

So you must stop hhim tacking first, as I say if it's genuinly equal you can foot down to block his tack, get in really close as you approah the layline, then when you are sure you can make it, tack.

If you can't get in close enough to block i.e you are too far back or not far enough to windward then you have to accepy you are in second place at that time, all you can do is tack earlier than him with a real close layline call and hope that either you make it or you get a lifter.

As I say the main thing is that the first to tack will win.

John Pierce
