as a 250 lb 113kg 6 foot two cat sailor whatever you sail you are never going to be as competitive as a lighter fellow , but you can still have fun , if you sail with a kite you can narrow your weight disadvantage quite a bit too but untill the handicap dudes do something with crew weights you have to sail an immaculate race and hope your lighter competition make mistakes .
In UK I race under SCHRS which rates my weight as 75 KGS !!!!!, start putting different crew weights into the formula and see what happens , about 1% difference for every 10 kgs , I'm reliably informed that the SCHRS handicap formula is a very good way of judging speed of a cat and balancing factors that affect it , its a great crying shame that us Big fellas start of with a potential 4% disadvantage before you even start .

Don't let anyone ever tell you weight pays when its windy , modern rigs/sails depower so easily with low drag that lightweigths can keep up up wind and down wind theres no place for weight on a cat or any other racing dinghy .

Still with a high volume platform , full cut sails and a kite you can get near and when the lightwights make mistakes pounce !

Guess you rattled one of my pet gripes , as lightweight run the SCHRS rule I guess they will never make the adjustments us weight challenged sailors require

your only hope is class racing in a boat built for heavyweights exclusively if you want true competition .