
I know you love the Hobie product line but there is one thing you a overlooking continiously.

Hobie 16's and Hobie Wave do well maybe in the USA, but outside of that area, it is a very big question mark. Sure there are many H16's about, but attracting kids to them is like beating a dead horse when dad and uncle bill are sailing F18's and A-cats. The Wave and the Bravo are as rare as diamonds outside of the USA.

With respect to new designs, their is a very interesting precedent in the blokart landyacht design. It's market share simply exploded the world over because it struck the right balance between fun, good looks and ease of use and storage/transportation.

In my opinion neither the H16 nor the wave or bravo strike such a balance.

Now I admit that I don't see eye to eye with many F12 designers either for the very same reasons. But it is simply not fair for you to diss the "new design" projects simply because there has been a ton of h16's around (most of which are now part of landfills)

I just wanted to say that.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands