Rolf is correct - be prepared for a lot of time wasting. <img src="" alt="" />

People who are seriously considering making their own sails from computer programms need to establish how are they going to get the data they have created to panels & then put together to create the sail.

The simplest way is choose a software package that enables you to create the panels the easiest way you can.

One way is to print off the data values & plot your own panels. Or alternatively by taking the plot files the software creates to a local sailmaker or visiting someone that has plotter/cutting equipment to create your panels.

Personally I have been down all the available roads & have mates who are sailmakers that have provided great support, but I would recommend using "sailcut" for your first sail & plot out the panels on the floor at home & put them together yourself.

Rolf has rightly pointed out that "sailcut" has limitations, but is also very simple & will not confuse
people. Definitely the cheapest way for a first timer - like Rolf was. <img src="" alt="" />

Prosail & Sandy Goodalls programme's are really good, but unless you are using them all the time, be prepared for some disaster's first <img src="" alt="" />

Spinnakers are a different storey alltogether!!! John Alani has experimented, maybe he could offer some comments?

If anybody is genuinly interested in trying sailcut to make their own F16 mainsail, I can send you a design file to get you started.

Marcus Towell

Formula Catamarans Aust Pty Ltd