I am tuning up the platform of this new to me H17.
The boats seem very tidy and in excellent order. I am surprised how much play there is n the platform.
When I lift the port bow there is 6 inches clear before the starboard lifts. The reverse sees ten inches when I lift the starboard. : (
Is this normal?

The bolts were loose but I have tightened as for as I would like. The tarp is off getting stitched so if I need to do anything to stiffen it up now is the time.

Any other things to look out for greatly appreciated.

Bed the cross beams to the hull sockets using a thickened mixture of epoxy or polyester resin (high density filler and a touch of colloidal silica to stop it running). Wax the cross bars well and keep this stuff away from the bolt holes. When you tighten up the bolts measure the hull spacing between the center line of the bows and the centerline of the transoms and set it up square (you may be suprised how far out this can be). Use antiseize on the bolts and recheck the tightness once the resin has cured and after the 1st sail.

Check the rivets that secure the tramp tracks on the hull are tight and the tramp tracks are secure. If the holes in the deck lip have wallowed out the you'll have to drill out the rivets, fill the holes with resin and filler, redrill and re-rivet (using washers under the lip).

Then if there is room on your tramp panels to add more grommets (double grommeting) do so - easily done with a grommet kit and a hammer. Then double lace the tramp with skinny high tech line. This has less stretch and friction than the stock lines used for this - resulting in a tighter tramp and hence stiffer platform.

These handy boat stiffening tips were brought to you by Viagra.


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