Maybe it is the cost, certainly not the desire to compete, but there is definitely a reluctance to commit. Maybe it is that old issue of convincing the other half that another race is the best thing to do. Race organizers only publish a NOR and then sit back and wait for race day. They certainly do not have to keep the boat clean, replace worn or broken hardware or practice and hone their skills. They may not have to talk mama into another weekend near the water, with nothing to do but watch the kids. They do not have to come up with the funds to pay the entry fee or repair the boat. Sailors do have the rough time in just getting to the race, hooking up the trailer, making sure nothing is left behind, finding ground crew for distance races, paying more than $3 for gas and the hotels do cost so much.

Maybe race organizers just need to understand that chasing down the trophies, purchasing liability insurance, establishing the venue, organizing and training the race committee, getting the paraphernalia to manage a race, and setting up enjoyable social functions for sailors and family, finding, negotiating hotel rates, finding sponsors, and etc., etc., just is not important, time consuming or expensive. Just why in the world would the race organizer want early commitment to race or at least notification of intent? It’s just not reasonable, right? Just quit worrying that no one will show up. But even race organizers do have to put in extra time, get there early, write and publish sailing instructions, make an extra early trip or two and be ready to eat the cost if no one does show up.