thanks Will ,hi Luiz

Hard to imagine this tabulator working on a cat hull as it would on a power boat in flat water where it could draw air in .
cat hulls --2 -- sailing at speed ,--one is partially submerged well below the surface where air could be drawn in ,-given the amount of rocker in profile it will not lift the tab location close to the surface ,and the other hull should be already skimming or just clear of the water surface ,-the turbulator as applied does little ,-particularly in larger waves . Also the tubulance from air bubbles would reduce rudder efficiency ,-the cause of rudder cavitation and loss of steering at higher speeds .
Tank tests to reality , it will be interesting .Happy to see development ideas ,-hope this works and a great amount is learned from it.

Always pictured this type of planning cat hull more of a flat lined hull side profile .
The ideal cat hull shape we will see soon will be more canted hulls with full forward section flat planning shapes -with small molded in forward lifting foils projecting at a close angle parelell to the bottom flat hull,--an extention of it in effect .
Luiz touch on this idea with his folding forward foil concept .
This will help balance the cat under spin with the C E being more in line with C L R , lifting the back boards varying degrees to achieve this balance .
The other benifit of these forward lifting foils is allowing a longer spin pole and luff angle to the spin ,-which creates more lift from the spin ,-more similar to 18 skiff spin luff angles and forward settings on longer spin poles .

On the bump aspect , the ideal will be a boat that partially lifts up at speed ,but still sails through the waves to some extent ,-a balance between a pure planning type hull and displ.type hull for better low range speeds .
The planning flat canted hull with forward small foil combined with straighter fuller aft sections more in line with planning powerboat hull shape design may be the ideal .
In lighter wind these types of planning hull shapes would need to be sailed in more of a bow down attitude lifting the sterns more ,-which we do anyway ,-just moreso .

What I experienced on the flat planning hull sailing it briefly was a suttle different quicker more independant hull motion through waves , not large differences .

Proper design-light weight ,-maybe larger beam or wings for more power sooner ,--sooner planning ,would be part of the design features required for this type of planning cat design along with others mentioned .-
Maybe this type will be the very hi speed planning HT FORMULA 20 CLASS in the not too distant future.
L-20 W-220 Sail ar 300 sq ft ,-spin 400 - beam 20 ft max with racks or wings . -
Put your helmet on strap in on with 3 on the wire and let er fly .-This would be worth watching on T V !!!

fun stuff
Happy holidays

Last edited by sail6000; 12/12/02 09:59 AM.