
Another victory for science following the lead of nature! Wouter I think you told me I was intellectually challenged for pushing this idea as I remember.

Please provide me with a link to the actual post containing that quote. I don't remember saying anything to that extent and it is not in line with my general thinking to disgard such a biosphere derived technology.

I do remember calling you intellectually challenged on many other occasions where you indeed made very awkward conclusions that often went almost directly against common sense. Sadly this situation is not one of those in my opinion.


So tell me why your math and aerodynamic/hydrodynamic genius, experience and arrogance has not come up with this most basic understanding of "leading edge" (excuse the pun) sailing understanding....cause I know you know it all...just been keeping this under the bed?

You can just as well claim that Einstein was a dumb [censored] as he didn't invent or predict the rise of the personal computer !

A single person can only do so much in one life time and aerodynamics is NOT my engineering speciality. That is despite the fact that I know more about aero and hydro dynamics then 95% of the forum people out there.

You guys also "invent" to much Wouterisms, I have never said anything negative or discouraging about these humpback whale fins or technologies derived from it. You may think or wish that I have but I didn't.

I'm sure you are just on your knees begging for a occurance where something I said is proven wrong in no unmistakenable terms just so you leverage that to invalidate all that I've wrote and said over many years. This wish is much more associated with your personal frustration than any significant likelyhood of me being wrong in real life.

If this makes you sleep better at night to I guess it is harmless enough, but I will repeat what I said to you several weeks ago. Ignoring what I say and write or simply discarting it because I said it will only make a larger fool of yourself. You may well hate me for whatever reasons you may have but that still doesn't mean that what I write and say are any less scientifically true.

Good night !


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands