Which part of the F18 being a class raced by different boats you guys don´t understand?

Not analyzing boat performance or even deny any discussion about is simply not knowing what this game is all about.
The core of the F18 and main attractive is just that: Several dinstincts designs racing togehter.
And the beauty of it is that the formula works and provides fair racing.

This "old same discussion" will go on for ever as long as the class remains open. Ever heard of F1 car racing??? Constructor championships???
So analyze your crews performance that is for sure the main topic, but not leave behind or block people willing to discuss team or boats performance.
The F18 is THE class right now and will continue growing, mainly based on multi brand racing.

So create another thread especially for crew performance (without ever talking which boat they've rode) and leave the rest express their point of view.
This boat talks will gone on every year, like it or not, is like F1 racing, that circus and the F18 will not be same with everyone riding the same boat.

"I'm not just saying".... I´m making a statement, Infusions and Capricorns dominated these F18 Worlds.

Take it easy,
