Thanks Doug, IS that with the wind blowing off shore backing the boat out? With onshore wind I don't think the boat has much of a reverse upwind, I've been able to launch nose into the waves and hop on the windward side when I'm knee deep and start sheeting in dropping my closest rudder and daggerboard part way until I can get it down all the way. They have these bouyies they want us to go between leaving the beach I'm not always able to in lite air 1 to 2 knots but I try. With the kiteboarders pounding the shoreline I tend to head for open water first tack. Landing I come by the area first instead of bee lining it for the shore from out of nowhere.

Bvining, great suggestion using the trap lines as preventers. That transition over the top and into my hands goes pretty well as long as I keep her nose into the wind but its still like trying to brush a high ceiling with the end of the broom handle. I have a lot of 1/8th braided line I can cut a couple of pieces and give that a try next time. Last time when I was going up one of the forestays desided to go around the nose preventing me from getting over the top so I had to bring it back down until it freed itself.
I have been sailing a deserted beach this month almost no other cats sailing so my learning curve has been bigger than expected. A lot of the regulars stop by for a chat but don't stay long. Only one H16 came out last Friday but he had never heard of an A cat and he couldn't beat away from the beach in the lite conditions.