ya i did say "prefer no crew" and i realize that the F-18 and the N-20, are 2 up. for sure. I take what you say 'bout the F-16 seriously tho, and yes i love big wind, big lakes, long distances, and the ocean. in Florida, my marina is only 2 miles from the Stuart inlet. I often go out to fish the flats off GBI, and know from experience (big wind and waves)that righting a 400# boat will be a real bitch. I realize too that orginized events and like minded people create opportunities to improve, and since i am new to this i will be looking for organized events that i can actually compete in. I have regular crew, but not good regular crew! (at least when it comes to cats, nor am i good yet).
What of the F-17? whatterya know bout them? if i need one plus one back up crew, it will still be much better than the 8 monkeys and 100 beers i tolerated on the Mumm! that was just for a wed night round the cans race. there is much to consider yet. I will want to go out for a sail on my own, just for the serenity of the mayham of it all, am i willing to give those opportunities up to have a boat i can race? not sure yet. but i do have a direction, and the F-17, and this N-20, albeit very different boats, seem a good starting point, and yes the F-16