Hey guys,

Why not simply keep the two fleets seperate for their class prizes and have a single combined ELAPSED time scoring fleet with its own prize for the spectators and fun.

In these distance racing stuff the F18 design are really not that far of the pace of the I-20's. I feel so less so that racing eachother simply on elapsed time is pretty fair, especially with the large variations in wind strength and other conditions. Basically, the end result is many times less influences by the design difference then by tactical decisions and simply luck with the LOCAL conditions.

Personally, I wouldn't be suprised if an F18 would actually win the elapsed time scoring. There is definately a set of conditions that will see the F18 favoured over the I-20's just as much certain conditions favour the I-20's over the F18's. Over 500 miles and several days, the conditions could turn out to favour both designs in a balanced manner.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands