You can't be serious anyway you can very easily check while still on land, just flip the boat over and give it a try. And while you are at it take a couple of pictures so you can prove that you’re not just making this up.

You've outed me. I just make this stuff up to put people in harms way. C'mon man, do you really think I'm lying on this one? I'm 5'11" and about 250lbs. I right this thing solo ALL THE TIME!! With crew, I've righted it in barely over a minute from splashdown to back on the boat. It's called athleticisim! If you can't handle it, go buy a Playstation III. I was simply reffering to hauling it up the beach on my last post. If you're too big of a wuss to get yours up the beach, get in a little better shape! Hit the gym before calling me a liar. Maybe boats are just a little harder to right and move around in Thialand I guess. Next meal, instead of rice and fish, try some meat and potatos.


Keyboard sailors are always faster in all conditions.