I think you will find the classes with fixed poles have poles that are similar in length to their hull.. Which also is prodobinately those classes which have their base in NSW.. All other skiff classes have a more modest pole and are generally unsupported poles (cherubs, I14s, Javelins 29ers, 49ers).. We would easily support our stump on a retracting system..

Unsupported poles use larger diamater pole and its generally heavier than the supported system.. For example I believe you will find the 18 has a 4 cm diameter alloy pole.. The I 14 has a 10 cm pole..
The supported javelin pole is 3 cm diameter while the unsupprted is 9 cm.. True the unsupported has spreaders and supporting wires.. The unsupported has the second tube and bushes.. The supported system is far cheaper.. carbon tube Vs standard alloy tube.. In Javelins its roughtly $100 Au vs $900 Au.. Speed of each is roughtly the same when it comes to usage..

The round the track speed issue is more interesting.. It would appear from the top NS14 sailors they are quicker than the MG14 upwind.. Even though the MG has a trapeze but also carried a kite or genacker.. But use the same hulls and sails.. Maybe we should ask the MG/NS guys why it is..