Originally Posted by tami
I can't remember if it was Google Maps or where it was, but I was directed to a STREET VIEW of my house from several angles.

I don't know about y'all, but I'm not real crazy about the idea of some yaya parked in front of my house taking pictures of it and then publishing the pictures. Maybe we should get bullswan to go after 'em.

Tax records in my county, they know everything about your property. The pics are to make sure you haven't gotten away with any non-permitted construction.

I'm not sure how I did it but i ended up with a front view of Jake's house and could pan 360 degrees around his neighborhood.

Jake, I looked on your desk for the vinyl quote but didn't see it.

"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea
Isak Dinesen
If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most.
E. B. White