Cool! Sounds like you have had a revelation smile
What kind of windstrength did you have at Daytona?

About split tails. They are useful for centering the car, but the car will still move a little bit even with a split tail.

Any friction removed gives you exactly that much more power to sheet in the main with. Tapered sheets reduces friction. Cascade in-boom sheeting might remove even more friction.
If you are not strong enough to sheet hard, more purchase and some strength training is your friend. Adding ridicilous amounts of purchase have its drawbacks!

If you are serious about wanting to sheet harder and your present setuo dont work for you:
1: I would look at the sheeting technique and setups used in the A-class since you have them close to you. Ask the guys how they do it and learn their technique before changing your boat.
2: Begin working out to gain strength (working out is free, so the price is right).

Did I piss you off now?