Re posted from the Hobie Cat Forums.

Anyone in or near Ocala interested in helping a total newbie learn how to rig and sail the 1981 H16 I just bought. I have no experience at all and would love to have someone with experience show me the ropes. (I'm sure that line has been used a thousand times but I couldn't resist)

As far as I can tell, the boat seems to be in very good condition for an 81 (I paid $1,500.00?) and the only concern I have is the base plate on the mast is loose. I'm assuming that's not a good thing? I noticed it while attempting to step the mast for the first time, notice I said attempting as I never quite got it done. I had my 17 year old daughter helping me and was just a bit nervous. I just couldn't bring myself to push any harder to get the thing to seat and was scared to death the thing would pop out of the mast step? and fall forward. Still just not comfortable with the shrouds being the only thing keeping that from happening.

I guess I didn't start out to well (first big newbie mistake) as I didn't even think to hook the trailer up to the hitch on my Jeep. I jumped up on the trampoline and started to lift the mast with help from my daughter on the ground and crash! Trailer pitches straight up and no more trailer lights, luckily no damage to the boat or myself but boy did I look stupid.

Well, I would really like to get started out on the right foot here, so if there's anyone within 100 miles or so? Have boat will travel!

Thank You!

Jody Phillips
81 H16