I'm not a big fan of the security card they're playing - I think that security IS an issue but it's not as dramatic as they are presenting. It certainly has no relevance to the Deed / ruling legality of the location. However, there is a lot of potential instability with the Iran / US relations and the landscape could be completely different in February. Add to that the fact that Ellison is Jewish...it puts a bit of a spin on the whole middle east thing on a personal level. I've been scrutinized just getting into Saudi Arabia because I had an Israel stamp in my passport - many places in the middle east do not allow Jewish people into the country.

I disagree with the opposing argument that "he has businesses there" as that's a completely different animal. This is a huge high profile event - you can't compare the security considerations of a large profile America's Cup campaign that spans a huge amount of water, including into some disputed Iranian territory, to holding a business office in Dubai. It's equally absurd.

I think, rather, the drama they've illuminated over the security ordeal is more of a legal tactic than a true belief...but who knows...rich billionaires get their panties in a twist over dumber things.

Jake Kohl