Originally Posted by bullswan
Originally Posted by Undecided
You misunderstood.

The alternative is 10 month winters where they start measuring the snow drifts on the second floors of buildings.

Last winter I shoveled my roof off 3 times. The second time I WALKED off the roof to quit. The third time I climbed UP to get off the roof. Could have parked the snowmobiles on the roof. Something wrong with that.

You're lucky Greg, I don't know what the actual annual snowfall is for a given season here, but I'd guess we get around four feet of snow. Most of the winter there is bare spots, and black snowdrifts. Then there's the horrid cold. We spent about a month after the first of the year below zero. I'd take snow any day over that crap. At least I'd have a reason to go outside other than work, I could justify buying a snowmobile then. Ususlly if its snowing, its at least above zero!