Originally Posted by Gina_M

Yeah Brett, so host a spin regatta when it gets warm!

I do, okay we do(CRAW that is I just order the food and bring the rum and the cups for Saturday night/Sunday morning. Oh yes, the RC too but that's minor compared to the rum), its called the Broken Rudder, in Shell Lake WI. 1.5 hours from the Twin Cities. Last year was the lightest attendance on record with only 18 boats but 15 of them had spinnakers. Next year I could almost imagine an F18 and a Falcon from that fly over state you know so well.
Regardless, there should be no less then (3) F16 attending in 2010.

By the way, did you hear Karl got a new F16?

PS As I think back, it is sure a lot easier to carry 6 bottles of rum to the party then the 3 Kegs I used to bring to BE Regatta...oh the memories...burning A-scows...blowing up watermelons...regattas just aren't the same without a proper application of high explosives.