But are you using the tail of the halyard for the retrieval line? The key is to use the same line you pull it up with to pull it down, via some patches on the spin, so it snuffs nicely into the sock, not all in a big wad, and getting the line length right so you don't have too much extra flopping around on the tramp when it's snuffed.

A lot of guys are using a tapered halyard with dyneema from the hoist block to the head when snuffed, for less windage, and something softer spliced in for the part you haul on and clete, something that won't bind up or kink if you run it through any small gromets on the tramp.

Oh, and never try to snuff it going dead down wind, it will fall over the top of the midpole hoop and your sheets might get caught under there, making it impossible to fully snuff. It works much better if you snuff on more of a reach.

Blade F16