Oh my, several things here.

First, the comment about the lawsuit, as I thought was apparent, was made in jest. If you took it seriously, well then I'm sorry you lack the humor side of human nature.

I've capsized my boat once. That was in november.

The sail delaminated completely after a very gusty day on the lake. I don't know whether the added stress had anything to do with it, but the sail was dry and laminated (except for the two areas, the top and foot) when I rolled it up and put it in its bag. It spent 30 minutes in a hot car on the ride home, then it returned to the corner of my bedroom where its nice and comfy at 74F.

Now I'm not trying to get a new sail for free here, I was just wondering how in fact, a sail that was perfectly fine, in almost like new condition, could go from good to piss poor in the matter of two days. My older Pryde sail, is still perfectly fine. I've heard about delam issues with the 17 sails before, and I just wanted to get a straight up answer from hobie about why it happens.

Thank you for the response nmiller.


Theres the boat and the sail in question.