
Sure but its very easy to argue with a formula into which you plugin numbers you got from a ruler. Whose to say that one rating systems' calculations are better than another's?

AH... but you have to know something to argue with the formula!

Whining that you don't like the outcome because you "KNOW" you should be doing better against that blah blah misrated boat won't persuade a lot of people to take your seriously.

The answer to that guy... is... STFU....learn to sail your boat better... Fact of life... Some boats are hard to sail.... some boast are easy.... That's life... do your research before you get the boat.

Measurement rating systems use real results to test how well their rule fits the real world. Texel just rolled their quality control in with a reversion to a previous definition and rescaled their ratings.... No significant changes resulted

My point... these measurement rules are not simply handed down by fiat like moses and the tablets... ... they are continually worked on using selected data sets by the respective committees.

Mind you... this is a 180 degree turn for me... Completely driven by the changes in the US sailing scene over the last 10 years.
