FYI, F18 is to wide to tow flat legally in Australia. If you have to tilt, may as well have a wide enogh beam to warrant it. Tilting is not really an issue either...... Those who bitch about it are usually those who have never done it and raced a big beam boat. Give me a 10 foot + wide boat any day.

A reason why Martin Fisher would have a preferance for the Wildcat is because it is the only Martin Fisher designed F18 in production now with the Capricorn being superseded by the C2.

How about the C2 for men and Viper for Women.

Actually, I would not want to see any F18 past or present. Could really do a lot of damage to the class. My first preferance is the Tornado. The new Nacra F20 would be an interesting choice though.

As for boat weight, reducing a class weight limit is a lot trickier the increasing it. If you were to do it with minimal damage to the class, then incremental decreases as JW pointed out would be the only way.

Does the class need to drop weight to improve or remain a competitive product in the market place....... No chance. Don't f@ck with a good thing.

BTW, the Fisher Interview is a bloody good read.