OK, sailed a Wave for the first time ever this weekend at Madcatter. Even though I managed to flip it and tore up something in my knee in the process, I was very impressed with this little boat. Here are some things I observed (keep in mind how much of a die-hard SMOD Hobie guy I am as you read this)...

Awesome buoyancy! It would be really hard to pitchpole this thing. I'm very heavy, and no matter where I sat on the boat, it always felt solid under me.

Having said that, this thing REALLY needs a tiller. Like any boat, you want your weight forward when it's light, and especially when going downwind, so a tiller would really help. What's the downside of having a tiller on the Wave?

The boat I was on had a one-piece tramp. I would never buy one. Not only is it impossible to get tight enough, there's nothing to grab onto when the boat's on its side, or worse, to try to climb back aboard after it's righted. Especially with no dolphin striker to step onto, I had to have a safety boat helper pull me out of the water. I know, I'm a spoiled H16 sailor, and could just make a rope ladder if I owned one...

Downwind...wow, does this thing need a chute! I thought downwind on a H16 was boring in light air, this thing is boring downwind in all conditions!!! Now I know how Opti sailors feel!

All in all, I would definitely buy one of these, and think everyone should have one as a spare boat for those regattas when your crew bails, etc. Having a nice fleet of 10 Waves at every regatta would be an awesome goal.
