btw, after watching the dvd's i decided nano-dna-gene splicing would be easier than splicing regular (non HM) double braid line. I basically only splice single braid HMline like spectra/vectran (which is easy with practice).

I was able to successfully tuck the cover into the core on Robbline Dingy Control line that Robbie uses, and had it as my Martingales (spin bridal) for a while...

If you want, i would be willing to lend you the dvd (despite KNOT (hehe) knowing you personally, i have faith that you would return it.)

Let me know if you want it and i can either bring it to the causeway sometime or even mail it to you. but note that he is using his "splice wand" and it splices backwards (pulls the slice through vs. pushing a fid through)