Easing the mainsheet will not break the mast. Dropping it and letting it all run out all the way can make it break.

I pull the mainsheet in and out 1 arm length. Because it is one arm length, I never need to let got of it and risk it going all the way out.

I think that easing the main is the fastest method. It does three things:

1. It increases the twist int he main. This reduces the healing and pitching moment directly.

2. It creates more lee helm. This allows the boat to bear off without using as much rudder. This reduces the drag from the rudders and reduces the tendency of bearing away pushing the bows under the water because the rudders are the vertical when the boat flies a hull.

3. The top of the mast bends forwards because it is like easing a backstay. The way that F18 spinnakers are cut, this flattens the spinnaker and reduces its power.

I feel that easing the spinnaker or the traveler in a gust will increase the likelihood of pitch-poling. When the bows start to dig in the boat boat slows down and the apparent wind comes back. Easing the spinnaker or traveler will be powering up the main and spinnaker.