Since I've been pouring over the forecast model all day, let's see what the forecast is for Pizza Friday:

- Ding and Todd are going to scrap it out with Sweetness reminding him he's got to be in bed by 20:00 hours or he just "won't be himself" Saturday

- Brendan, Matt "Falcon Boy" and Karl Squidpig will go head-to-head shots (that will make Vladimir Putin puke) and flashing gang signs to passing motorists

- Jake will be trying to reinforce the drinking table with his new vacuum infusion kit he got for Christmas after he finishes the boat decal wrap he's got

- Timbo and I will lament about our lack of sailing lives and how to make Horsemeat taste good on BBQ

- Seth will probably have broken something on his boat, so he'll be looking for spare parts

- Mr. Bonifait won't realize we're even there amidst his makeout session (the likes of which might even make the Herenden's blush)

- Trey, Patrick, JC, Alex, Bo, Brent, all the other Petes, Mikes, and the rest of them will realize why they don't visit the Pizza Store on Fridays at Tradewinds. And I'll get scratched off their "potential crew" list for at least a year...

- PTP's gonna get stuck with the bill...again
