
The triangle on as Blade is pretty small; I have a couple of measurements and this one is about as big as possible, for a Blade.

[Linked Image]


s1 (luff) 5,47
perp. H1 1,245
area triangle 3,51

s1 (luff) 1,245
perp. P1 0,014
area segment 0,01

s2 5,3
perp. P2 -0,033
area segment -0,12

s3 1,25
perp. P3 0,062
area segment 0,05

s4 0,04
perp. H4 -0,17
area triangle 0,00
Area total: 3,45


Attached Files
jib.jpg (835 downloads)
Last edited by geert; 04/19/12 03:53 PM.