Originally Posted by David Ingram
You aren't seriously trying to tell us light air requires more skill than the breeze, are you? Light air sailing aint rocket science and let's be honest when it's patchy it provides a lot more oportunties to get lucky. If you think going downhill heavy in a breeze is easy or doesn't take skill you clearly haven't done it enough. How many people end up on their side in 5 knots? How many people hit the beach because they are out of their element in the light?

Not more skill but skill all the same. Light stuff and heavy stuff both separate out the fleet. (and the top guys still win in both - go figure)
A lot of people in 5 or less hit the beach becuse they are "out of their element"
I know light teams who suck in light air becuse they do not have the skill or patience to do well. They have to admit it. The fat guys hide their poor sailing skills behind the weight excuse. - Just say'in

No doubt sailing light is going to be better, as long as it is not way light which has its own issues. The issue though should be tied in with politics and religion as logic seldom plays in the discussion.