Hi all,

in a different discussion some sailors expressed that they did not see much value of being class members.

I think one of the big reasons for not being satisfied with any organization or service you have purchased is the difference in expectations compared to what is delivered.

After considering for a while, I became uncertain if what I expect from a catamaran class is the same as "everybody else" expects..

I also believe that the class have a right to expect a number of things from the class members.

E.g. I expect the following from a class officers
* Taking initative to organizing an annual event
* Representing the class interests in communication with government on all levels
* Organizing and AGM and ballots
* Running class business and collecting membership dues etc.
* Taking initiative to improving the class (racing, equipment, playing field) where seen neccesary

Nice to have from a class is in my opinion:
* A newsletter for ideas and to connect with people. Stay current with developments
* a place to discuss with like minded people

I feel obligated to deliver this to the class
* Membership dues
* Be engaged in discussions and deliver insights I feel might be overlooked.
* Represent the class in a positive manner.
* Network with officers and members
* Take part in needed work and improvements for the class.

What do you others expect from a catamaran class organisation, and what do you feel obliged to do/deliver/give to support the class you are members of?
Is there a disconnect between what you think a class should deliver and what you expect from a class?
Do you feel that you are contributing to the class?

PS: Please, lets try to not mention names or specific classes. The idea here is to chart out expectations, deliverables and what the gap is.