
Hi all,

in a different discussion some sailors expressed that they did not see much value of being class members.

I think one of the big reasons for not being satisfied with any organization or service you have purchased is the difference in expectations compared to what is delivered.

After considering for a while, I became uncertain if what I expect from a catamaran class is the same as "everybody else" expects..

I also believe that the class have a right to expect a number of things from the class members.

E.g. I expect the following from a class officers
* Taking initative to organizing an annual event
* Representing the class interests in communication with government on all levels
* Organizing and AGM and ballots
* Running class business and collecting membership dues etc.
* Taking initiative to improving the class (racing, equipment, playing field) where seen neccesary

You have built a class that is focused on the top down and is entirely transactional.

The national event cost XXX... the purpose or goal of the class is to crown a champion.

The class you described arranges with some Yacht Club to run the event and the YC will be the Organizing authority and follow your championship conditions (or wing it)

Most sailors will simply add the cost of Class Dues to the cost of the event and be done with it. They don't care if the class purchased a keg of beer for the event with the dues.... it is just a buisness deal... dollars for event.

You may actually collect your dues if the OA makes arrangements to cut you a check for any dues they collect ... but usually, they say that is the class's job to enforce membership..

The alternative is for the class to assume that the NA's will be paid for by the sailors who attend them. The goal of the class could be to use the class dues and focus on the bottom of the class and worry about the last class member and how to retain them....
The goal is to grow the class participation.... not to crown a NA champion.
