I realized that before I started that this would not be well welcomed but isn't it the responsibility of democratic forces to make sure that things are discussed and viewed from different sides. That is why I choose the to give a little opposition. It would truelly cowardous to remain silent.
<br>And the following quote is the reason why.
<br>This is from CNN news tonight:
<br>"...The meeting of about 600 delegates originally had been expected to begin Tuesday but has been postponed as many clerics had not yet arrived by early afternoon, Taliban officials said. Officials said the meeting will get under way as soon as possible..."
<br>I'm hoping that our government realizes the unbelievable military blunder of the Taliban leaders to assemble in one place at one time...and of what consequences it could have for that group of 600 terrorists. If we are serious about striking at terrorism, a more perfect opportunity to strike may never exist again.
<br>Okay guys, what do you think to gain from this ? 600 islamic clergymen, Wouldn't killing them rally the whole islamic world to the side of Osama Bin Laden and other groups ? Even the large moderate islamic group would be swayed to these groups and flight traffic would be impossible for next couple of years. But you got you vengence right ! How smart is this ?

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Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands