Thanks for your encouragement. Seeing as how I have only been sailing the boat for 1 season I am sure that B and C fleets will keep me busy for awhile.
<br>I am going to go through with the hull fixes and sanding. As far as painting goes, I have a friend that works at a place that paints airplanes and they use the same kinds of paints as boats (for fiberglass and other composites). He said if I got the hulls to him ready to go, he could give them a once over the next time they are shooting a plane. Pretty sweet deal, so I 'm not complaining.
<br>So, I will have old hulls in great shape. This translates to not the best racer, but for all intinsive purposes they will be as good as new. I figure this will give me a great boat to mess around with on the weekends and a decent B/C racer. With the shape it is in I might actually be able to sell it one of these days!?
<br>About sails, how new is new? Should I get the racing white, I hear they stretch less? Where is the best place to get good sails without forking over $$$ to the Hobie CatAlog.
<br>Thanks for all of your help guys.
<br>kyle h16 <><<br><br>