My basic plan is to first remove the aluminum plates. I wasn't able to get the screws out successfully, some of them are still in the plate. That will leave me with the inner glass. I am then going to patch the holes from the existing screws on the inner most layer of glass. I definitely plan to grind to a taper a good size portion of the outer fiberglass to get good contact with the new glass. Then, glue in a new aluminum plate. Fill in any gaps with thickened epoxy. I'll then likely cut out a new piece of plywood to glue to the back of the plate to keep the brittleness of that area down. I figured an area that thick of just thickened epoxy might be prone to cracking under stress. Correct me if I am wrong there. Again, keep in mind I don't really know what I am doing. I'll then fill in any gaps. Then, I would start to lay glass over that, laying it up in to the tappered section in layers and possibly wrapping around to the side of the hull. Grind/sand everything back to where it is supposed to be and then finish with gel. This is my first time doing any significant fiberglass work, so I am totally open to thoughts and suggestions. I've got to learn how to do this stuff sometime or later.

1983 Hobie 16'