Two pics for the disaster-tourists. Always fun to see.

Nasty wind, unexpected freakwave, no speed, rudders still high after difficult start in full brake.

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The biggest problem was to get the cat plus broken mast, which was hanging underneath, to and on the beach. The waves were pulling it back in the sea with the on-rolling waves streaming back into the sea

It ended up as a total mess with sail full of sand and water, weighting a ton.
Happily Dutch rescue service came to help with a large pickup on the beach (I called the coast gard).

Final remark: when I reached my cat in the breaking waves after the capsize, I climbed aboard on the upsidedown nettramp and immediately got stuck with my trapeze hook in the net! Hanging on my belly with my legs still in the water. I could hardly reach the hook to make my trapeze free. That were very freaky and dangerous moments. Waves were also breaking over me, so I could have drowned. So never use a nettramp!!

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RAIDER-15 (homebuilt)

hey boy, what did you do over there, alone far out at sea?..
"huh....., that's the only place where I'm happy, sir.