Originally Posted by John Farris
Mike its just a planning factor not a show stopper.

Depends on how you look at it. If you are coming from out of town it means a considerable increased expense to bring and house someone that can cart your stuff around and could be a show stopper to some.

It would be interesting to hear if the event organizers have any ideas on how to make that planning factor easier to plan for so they might get more out of area people to attend. A van to toss your stuff in the morning that will be at the day 1 finish or something....are there any hotels within walking distance of day 1? etc. Just a thought.

The change the Steeplechase made last year to get the intermediate finish and the start/finish lines closer together made the logistics of the race incredibly easier. We spent a lot more time relaxing and enjoying ourselves and less time in the truck driving back and forth. it was much more enjoyable.

Jake Kohl