Originally Posted by Jake
Originally Posted by ThunderMuffin
Windows 10 is all kinds of sneaky with the information it sends to MS.

What doesn't anymore? Even Google is presenting me with app store reviews that were written by people I know listed at the top of the reviews. Some of those people were relationships that required connecting some dots (a cousin's husband, for example).

Eh. Google is a bit different. I've always treated them as up front and "honest" about what they collect - just not how they collect it and analyze it. Everything with google is "free" which means if you aren't paying for the product, you ARE the product. The app reviews can be linked by email address in your gmail account being a match for someone with a Gplay account review. You get CC'd on Aunt Edna's Christmas card and all of a sudden Google knows that you're somehow connected with those people - and that connection gets more concrete the more times that the communication happens.

Anyways, its a bit more nefarious in MS' case. Just the latest news from Windows 10 is that it will send MS a copy of your encryption key when you choose to encrypt your hard drive contents. It will also share your private network key with anyone in your contact list behind the scenes (so you know, you don't have to be bothered asking what your friend's network password is when you come over to the house).