I'm on record somewhere on this board predicting that we'll see Michelle and/or Elizabeth running in the future. We're screwed if that happens.

But don't worry, as they portrayed on SNL, Hillary won't stop running until she's dead.

I think it would be great to have a woman as President, but why can't we get a normal one to vote for?

Michelle: "Proud of my country for the first time in my life" after her husband won, to "All hope is lost" after Trump won. Zero class.

Elizabeth: Exaggerated about her ethnicity to get a job at Harvard, was irate and rude when called on that by a local reporter during her first Senate run. Since being elected, is a giant bag of hot air, explodes at big bank bad guys, but gets nothing actually accomplished herself.

Hillary: Enough said. I think that no one really wanted Trump, but is this really the best the Dems could drum up?
