Hey Berny,
I thought much the same as you when I first put the kite on the Mozzie, but after a while you simplify everything as much as you can, and leave as much on the boat as possible so that re-rigging next time is easier. We park our boats on the trailer under roof, so mast-down. I leave spinn. halyard, blocks, pole & snuffer attached to boat, everything lese comes off. I reckon the kite adds 15-20min. of rigging time before & after the sailing, but it`s worth it.
I could never go back to sailing without the kite - it`s so bad that if we take the kite down a bit too early before the leeward mark, it feels like ages before you get to the mark under main & jib alone. Don`t think I could sail a whole leg at that speed. It just feels like the wind dropped by 10knots.
I suppose it`s a personal thing, if you like the easy setup without kite, and your boat goes well enough without it, keep it like it is, but if you`d like to harass the bigger boats downwind (and who doesn`t !) then the kite is not optional.
