Ok, conditions are patchy wind, out of the west
Location, Halifax river, Daytona Beach (flows N to S) West side has condo's, trees, etc...
Wind was 8-10

My boat is a 5.5, sailing uni.

I couldn't get the boat to drive on a reach to save my life. I had the traveler down about 3", the mainsheet was sheeted pretty hard, and the car on the sail was full aft (Max sail shape) I wasn't using an over rotator. No matter what I did with the sail, traveler, mainsheet, my weight, etc.. The boat wasn't driving at all. It seemed like I was dragging an anchor. Gawd, I was passed on the low side by a H17 ?!?!?!. What gives? So frustrating......
Wind/Lew Triangle courses this boat is usually very fast. Excellent boat speed, yet going on the reach (both ways) I could barely hang with a H17.

Help guys, please!

94 N5.5SL