I'll be going to NC early June. Hopefully Maughan will still have the H17 masts lying around for me. I also plan to drop by Panama on the way back and hopefully pick up that ARC22 mast (scavenging mast sections for the F14 I plan to build this summer). If you find a mast somewhere along my route, let me know and I'll transport it for you.

I hope you haven't forgotten about the Bahama's trip this summer. I just got a box from Murrays with everything I needed to put the TheMightyHobie18 rudder system on my G-Cat. After installing that and reinforcing the beams where they bolt to the hull, my boat should be ready to hit the 'Stream

G-Cat 5.7M #583 (sail # currently 100) in Bradenton, FL Hobie 14T